Improve finish, performance and longevity with this single-step process.
Since 1954, Able Electropolishing has been refining its technology to improve the fit and function of metal parts. No matter your part’s size or the industry you work in, our electropolishing process gives you a unique combination of benefits you won’t find with other metal treatments.
Benefits of Electropolishing:
Deburring – Electropolishing strips away the surface burrs that inhibit performance, even on intricately-designed and delicate parts.
Microfinishing – By smoothing out surface irregularities and removing chemicals, scale, and oxides, electropolishing improves performance even for parts ineligible for methods like mechanical polishing or vibratory finishing.
Corrosion Resistance – Electropolishing eliminates the surface imperfections that become initiation sites for corrosion.
Fatigue Life Improvement – We treat metal parts that twist, cycle, bend and flex, eliminating surface defects like micro-cracks that become initiation sites for catastrophic part damage.
Ultracleaning and Decorative – When electropolishing removes surface imperfections, contaminants and discoloration, it leaves parts with a noticeable shine. Metal alloys look brand new, and parts are easier to clean and maintain.
We Process Parts Made of:
- Stainless steels
- Titanium
- Aluminum
- Brass
- Copper and more
Contact us today to see what we can do for yours!